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SEO techniques are classified into two broad categories

White Hat SEO - Techniques that search engines recommend as part of a good design. Black Hat SEO - Techniques that search engines do no...

Monday, 27 March 2017

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a tag management system that allows you to quickly and easily update tags and code snippets on your website or mobile app, such as those intended for traffic analysis and marketing optimization. You can add and update AdWords, Google Analytics, Firebase Analytics, Floodlight, and 3rd party or custom tags from the Tag Manager user interface instead of editing site code. This reduces errors and frees you from having to involve a developer when configuring tags.

What is a tag?

A tag is a snippet of code that sends information to a third party, such as Google. If you don't use a tag management solution such as Tag Manager, you need to add these snippets of code directly to files on your website or mobile app. With Tag Manager, you no longer need to maintain each of these code snippets in your source files. Instead, you specify the tags that you want to fire, and when you want them to fire, from within the Tag Manager user interface.

How it works

Tag Manager for web works via its own container tag that you place on all your website pages. For mobile, Tag Manager is deployed in conjunction with the Firebase SDK, with support for Android and iOS. The container replaces all other manually-coded tags on your site or app, including tags from AdWords, Google Analytics, Floodlight, and 3rd party tags. (See a list of supported tags.) Once the Tag Manager container tag has been added to your site or app, you update, add, and administer additional tags right from the Tag Manager web application.

Setup for web

To manage tags using Tag Manager:

Go to tagmanager.google.com to create an account (or to access an existing account).
Create a container for your site in the account.
Add the container snippet to your site.
Migrate any hardcoded tags (such as AdWords or DoubleClick tags) from your site’s source code into Tag Manager.

Setup for mobile apps

Google Tag Manager for mobile apps is integrated with Firebase. Firebase is Google’s mobile app platform, which provides end to end development tools and analytics.

By adding Tag Manager to your app, you can make changes to your measurement setup without having to wade into the app update process.

To setup Tag Manager for mobile apps:

Go to tagmanager.google.com to create a Tag Manager account (or to access an existing account).
Create a container for your app in the account (select the "Mobile Apps" option).
Select the appropriate container type (Android, iOS) and SDK version (Firebase, Legacy SDKs)

Saturday, 18 March 2017

How to Write a Blog Post ?

How to Write a Blog Post ?

How to Write a Blog Post: A Simple Formula to Follow

Step 1: Understand your audience.

Before you start to write, have a clear understanding of your target audience. What do they want to know about? What will resonate with them? This is where creating your buyer personas comes in handy. Consider what you know about your buyer personas and their interests while you're coming up with a topic for your blog post.

For instance, if your readers are millennials looking to start their own business, you probably don't need to provide them with information about getting started in social media -- most of them already have that down. You might, however, want to give them information about how to adjust their approach to social media from a more casual, personal one to a more business-savvy, networking-focused approach. That kind of tweak is what separates you from blogging about generic stuff to the stuff your audience really wants (and needs) to hear.

Step 2: Start with a topic and working title.

Before you even write anything, you need to pick a topic for your blog post. The topic can be pretty general to start with. For example, if you're a plumber, you might start out thinking you want to write about leaky faucets. Then you might come up with a few different working titles -- in other words, iterations or different ways of approaching that topic to help you focus your writing.  For example, you might decide to narrow your topic to "Tools for Fixing Leaky Faucets" or "Common Causes of Leaky Faucets." A working title is specific and will guide your post so you can start writing.

Let's take a real post as an example: "How to Choose a Solid Topic for Your Next Blog Post." Appropriate, right? The topic, in this case, was probably simply "blogging." Then the working title may have been something like, "The Process for Selecting a Blog Post Topic." And the final title ended up being "How to Choose a Solid Topic for Your Next Blog Post."

See that evolution from topic, to working title, to final title? Even though the working title may not end up being the final title (more on that in a moment), it still provides enough information so you can focus your blog post on something more specific than a generic, overwhelming topic.

If you're having trouble coming up with ideas, check out this blog post from my colleague Ginny Soskey. In this post, Soskey walks through a helpful process for turning one idea into many. Similar to the "leaky faucet" example above, she suggests that you "iterate off old topics to come up with unique and compelling new topics." This can be done by:

    Changing the topic scope
    Adjusting the time frame
    Choosing a new audience
    Taking a positive/negative approach
    Introducing a new format

Step 3: Write an intro (and make it captivating).

We've written more specifically about writing captivating introductions in the post, "How to Write an Introduction [Quick Tip]," but let's review, shall we?

First, grab the reader's attention. If you lose the reader in the first few paragraphs -- or even sentences -- of the introduction, they will stop reading even before they've given your post a fair shake. You can do this in a number of ways: tell a story or a joke, be empathetic, or grip the reader with an interesting fact or statistic.

Then describe the purpose of the post and explain how it will address a problem the reader may be having. This will give the reader a reason to keep reading and give them a connection to how it will help them improve their work/lives. Here's an example of a post that we think does a good job of attracting a reader's attention right away:

Step 4: Organize your content.

Sometimes, blog posts can have an overwhelming amount of information -- for the reader and the writer. The trick is to organize the info so readers are not intimidated by the length or amount of content. The organization can take multiple forms -- sections, lists, tips, whatever's most appropriate. But it must be organized!

Let's take a look at the post, "How to Use Snapchat: A Detailed Look Into HubSpot’s Snapchat Strategy." There is a lot of content in this post, so we broke it into a few different sections using the following headers: How to Setup Your Snapchat Account, Snaps vs. Stories: What's the Difference?, and How to Use Snapchat for Business. These sections are then separated into sub-sections that to go into more detail and also make the content easier to read.

To complete this step, all you really need to do is outline your post. That way, before you start writing, you know which points you want to cover, and the best order in which to do it. To make things even easier, you can also download and use our free blog post templates, which are pre-organized for five of the most common blog post types. Just fill in the blanks!

Step 5: Write!

The next step -- but not the last -- is actually writing the content. We couldn't forget about that, of course.

Now that you have your outline/template, you're ready to fill in the blanks. Use your outline as a guide and be sure to expand on all of your points as needed. Write about what you already know, and if necessary, do additional research to gather more information, examples, and data to back up your points, providing proper attribution when incorporating external sources. Need help finding accurate and compelling data to use in your post? Check out this roundup of sources -- from Pew Research to Google Trends.

If you find you're having trouble stringing sentences together, you're not alone. Finding your "flow" can be really challenging for a lot of folks. Luckily, there are a ton of tools you can lean on to help you improve your writing. Here are a few to get you started:

    Power Thesaurus: Stuck on a word? Power Thesaurus is a crowdsourced tool that provides users with a ton of alternative word choices from a community of writers.
    ZenPen: If you're having trouble staying focused, check out this distraction-free writing tool. ZenPen creates a minimalist "writing zone" that's designed to help you get words down without having to fuss with formatting right away.
    Cliché Finder: Feeling like your writing might be coming off a little cheesy? Identify instances where you can be more specific using this handy cliché tool.

For a complete list of tools for improving your writing skills, check out this post. And if you're looking for more direction, the following resources are chock-full of valuable writing advice:


Step 6: Edit/proofread your post, and fix your formatting.

You're not quite done yet, but you're close! The editing process is an important part of blogging -- don't overlook it. Ask a grammar-conscious co-worker to copyedit and proofread your post, and consider enlisting the help of The Ultimate Editing Checklist. And if you're looking to brush up on your own self-editing skills, turn to these helpful posts for some tips and tricks to get you started:


Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Top 10 SEO Company

1 | SEO Discovery
Corporate Office – Chandigarh
Business – Best SEO services, Digital Marketing, White Hat SEO | Website –  www.seodiscovery.com |
SEO Discovery offering "Guaranteed Google Page #1 ranking" with world-class SEO and Digital Marketing services. We have done specialization in Local SEO, Reputation Management, Social Media, Link Detox and mobile friendly website design. Feel free to get in touch with us for FREE website Audit and Analysis.

2 | Mandy Web Design
Corporate Office – ChandigarhBusiness – SEO, Digital marketing, Mobile Friendly Web Design | Website – http://www.mandywebdesign.com/ |
Mandy Web Design a team of skilled SEO experts who are committed to help your business achieve higher ranking and be seen on popular search engines.
3 | PageTraffic
Corporate Office – New Delhi 
Business – SEO services, Internet Marketing & Web Designing | Website – www.pagetraffic.in |
Page Traffic is an online and Internet marketing company and ranked among the top 10 SEO agencies in India. They have a potential team of SEO professionals who will help grow your online business. Other services include Social Media Marketing and Web Designing.
4 | EZRankings
Corporate Office – Delhi
Business – Digital Marketing services | Website – www.ezrankings.org |
An ISO Certified Leading Digital Marketing Agency. EZRankings has almost 7+ years of experience in Digital marketing and has a strong team of professionals who based on client requirements formulate the best Strategy for SEO,SMO,PPC and ORM. Also, help in various design and development services.
5 | Ranking By SEO
Corporate Office – Noida, Delhi/NCR
Business – SEO services, Software Development & Designing | Website –www.rankingbyseo.com |
It is a leading company in the sector of SEO services, Internet, web development and software solution. Ranking By SEO have expertise in search engine friendly web designing which appeals users. Their SEO related services includes Search Engine Marketing, Google AdSense, Google Webmaster Tools and many more.
6 | Indian SEO Company
Corporate Office – Kolkata
Business – SEO services & Software Solutions | Website - www.indian-seo-company.com |
Indian SEO Company is a outsourcing company providing various Internet and web services like Website designing, development, Internet Marketing, Search engine optimization services and social media Optimization.
7 | Techmagnate
Corporate Office – New Delhi 
Business – SEO services | Website – www.techmagnate.com |
One of the leading seo company in India, Techmagnate is a SEO and internet marketing service provider. They have a team of experienced professionals who will help you with all the SEO related tasks includes everything from social media optimization to re-designing of website to make them visible.
8 | Profit By Search
Corporate Office – Noida, Uttar Pradesh Business – SEO services & Internet marketing | Website – www.profitbysearch.com  |
India’s first SEO Company qualified by Google Adwords and among the top seo companies in India. Profit by Search is a Internet marketing agency having a ROI driven approach for all its clients. Company provides various SEO related services including website designing, Social media optimization, Google adwords, google adsense, google webmasters and many more.
9 | SEO.in
Corporate Office – Bangalore, Karnataka Business – Online Marketing | Website – www.seo.in |
An online marketing agency has an expertise in SEO related services. It is a well known SEO service provider, a leading Search engine optimization companies in India and competing at global level. The company has offices in India.
10 | Savit.inCorporate Office – Mumbai and Pune
Business – Online Marketing | Website – www.savit.in |
Savit Interactive an ISO 9001:2008 certified Digital Marketing Agency and SEO Company in Mumbai and Pune, India.Savit, as one of the leading SEO Agency India, we ensure that your website attains TOP rankings in various search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. Savit website promotion approach is FREE from black hat SEO techniques or any spamming methods, generally used by many cheap SEO companies in India who claim to offer guaranteed Top 5 or Top 10 ranking placements within very short time period and at surprisingly cheap SEO prices.